By Francis Lubega

9th June 2023

A section of Members of Parliament from Busoga and Bukedi sub-regions have asked President Museveni not to rush to evict the farmers growing rice in wetlands without a proper plan for their survival.

The President at the State of the Nation Address on Thursday said that he will not allow any more rice growing in wetlands in Bukedi, Busoga and other areas, promising to visit these areas over his intention to evict them.

Kigulu South MP, Milton Muwuma says that chasing away rice farmers from wetlands would push them into unnecessary famine and poverty since they lack land for upland rice growing.

Meanwhile, the IKI-IKI County MP in Budaka district, Robert Kasolo says that they welcome the President to visit the Bukedi region for a discussion over rice growing with farmers and asked him to go there with an alternative plan for such farmers.

Saturday 10th June 2023 05:32:33 AM