By Olivia Nabaggala

13th Sept 2022


A report released by TWAWEZA UGANDA shows that the majority of Ugandans don’t know the role of the tax body, Uganda Revenue Authority.


The Twaweza Senior Program Officer Marie Nanyanzi says there is low understanding of taxation amongst Ugandans standing at only 50% for those who know what URA does.


Nanyanzi adds that the majority of Ugandans are not aware of the taxes levied on different goods and services, with women pointed out to be more vulnerable to the knowledge gap about URA as most of them are ever involved in informal businesses.


Nanyanzi said this on Tuesday while launching the report of SautiWananchii citizens’ voices on taxation and business environment report at Hotel Africana.


URA is a government revenue collection agency established by the Parliament of Uganda operating under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and it is responsible for enforcing, assessing, collecting, and accounting for the various taxes imposed in Uganda.

Wednesday 14th September 2022 06:52:07 AM