By Francis Lubega

8th Feb 2024

The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) has raised concerns about the failure of junior police officers to give birth due to the sharing of dilapidated rooms with colleagues.

This has been indicated in the report titled “Squeezing Water out of a Stone? Working and Living Conditions of the Uganda police force personnel and their Implications on Observance of Human Rights” which was presented by the UHRC chairperson Mariam Wangadya before the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa.

Wangadya noted that lower-ranking officers are living in very poor housing units which are separated by the curtains and such officers have no space to exercise their marital rights of producing.

The report also noted that 70% of the police officers are not satisfied with the deployments, transfers, and promotions citing corruption, favoritism, tribalism, nepotism, and technical know-how.

Wangadya also indicated that the officer raised a matter where the personnel foot the costs of their relocation, regardless of the factors for deployment or transfer.

In response after receiving the report, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa noted that some of the highlighted findings are going to be considered in the ongoing 2024/2025 budget process.


Thursday 8th February 2024 07:25:59 PM