By Ben Musanje

13th May 2024


It has been disclosed that at least 30 percent of the households have been counted in the first three days of the National Population and Housing Census exercise.


According to Dr. Albert Byamugisha, the Board of Directors of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), they intend to cover an estimated 3.7 million households in the whole exercise of 10 days.


Byamugisha says that though the exercise encountered several challenges in the last three days, the Enumerators managed to cover enough households.


James Kiiza, the head of ICT at UBOS noted that they have faced some cases of insecurity in some areas of the country especially in the border districts but they engaged with the UPDF to provide security to their Enumerators.


He however assured Ugandans that their data will be kept confidential amidst the technical challenges but warned none authorized people from engaging into the exercise, saying that the system won’t allow them to access the tabs.




Tuesday 14th May 2024 11:41:56 AM