By Ben Musanje

10th June 2024

Two suspects have been arrested over connivance in a robbery attack on a Mobile Money dealer at Bwebajja in Wakiso district.

According to the police, the victim is identified as Maria Mbadiremu (28) and was attacked at her shop at around 8pm by one Bahati Kisekka who had an unmarked pistol and took 3 million shillings.

The Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga says they have discovered that Kisekka was put into the deal by his friend Edrine Bugaya (20) who has been a close friend to Mbadiremu.

Enanga says Kisekka smuggled the unmarked pistol into Uganda from South Sudan where he was working and wanted to use it in facilitating their crime.

Police first arrested Bugaya who directed them to Kisekka’s home where they recovered the pistol, face masks and the 3million shillings they had robbed from Mbadiremu who contacted the Bwebajja Police Station after the attack.

Both suspects are facing charges of robbery, possession of a pistol and conspiracy.


Tuesday 11th June 2024 05:58:30 AM