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Presenter: Fr.John Baptist Kaganda

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January 14 election malpractice masters, human rights violators to be held accountable -USA

By Rachael Najjuma 24th February 2021 The United States of America’s Department of State Spokesperson Ned Price has said that all individuals involved in the January 14th election malpractice and human rights violations in Uganda will be held accountable. Price made these comments while commenting on the National Unity Platform’s president Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu’s decision to […]

Corruption reduces as declaration of assets dates approach

By Bizwan Kirunda 24th February 2021   The space for corruption in Uganda has narrowed according to the Inspectorate of Government-IG despite the persistent cases reported annually. The Deputy Inspector General of Government (D/IGG) George Bamugemereire says this is due to the many laws and Government agencies and institutions that have been set up in Uganda […]

MPs grill Defense Ministry officials over Shs31.9bn arrears

By Francis Lubega 24th February 2021 The Public Accounts Committee of parliament has today grilled the accounting officer ministry of defense and other ministry officials over failure to budget for arrears amounting to 31.9 billion shillings. The auditor general’s report of the financial year 2018-2019, Mps indicated that the ministry’s budget for that financial year budgeted […]

DP supports Kagulanyi’s Election Petition withdrawal

By Olivia Nabaggala 23rd February 2021   The Opposition Democratic Party (DP) has backed the National Unity Platform (NUP) president Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine’s decision to withdraw  the presidential petition he filed at the Supreme Court challenging President Yoweri  Museveni’s victory in the January 14th General Election.   The party spokesperson Opio Okoler told […]