By Francis Lubega

14th May 2024

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Central Government chaired by Butambala County MP Muhammad Muwanga Kivumbi has handed over the Executive Director of the Uganda Cancer Institute, Dr. Jackson Orem and other officials to provide statements to the Parliamentary Criminal Investigations Department (CID). 

The other officers are the Head of Clinical Services, Israel Luutu and the former Procurement Officer for the Cancer Institute who was transferred to the Ministry of Local Government.

This is in relation to concerns raised in the Auditor General’s report for the financial year 2022/2023 regarding the Institute’s failure to utilize certain cancer machines since 2017, despite them being purchased by the Government.

According to the report, machines such as the Laparoscopy, Endoscopy, Ultrasound and Hawk Taw machines were procured but have not been used due to maintenance issues or missing compatible parts.

Some machines have been left idle, while others have been discarded.

The officials were summoned to provide further information after they were unable to provide satisfactory explanations for the machines not being operational, which has potentially affected patient care.

Meanwhile, the Committee has also faulted the Uganda Cancer Institute for diverting over 13 billion shillings in the same financial year.

According to the Auditor General’s report, the Institute reallocated funds from planned to unplanned activities without authorization from the Permanent Secretary of the Finance Ministry.

The committee Chair, Muwanga Kivumbi, referred the matter to an internal committee session for further investigation and a final recommendation be made.


Wednesday 15th May 2024 06:47:31 AM