By Charles Katabalwa

8th Feb 2024


The opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) has lashed out at the government for failure to bring a policy regulating school fees in schools.

This was while giving out scholastic materials and school fees to learners of their supporters who died and those currently in detention.

While addressing journalists at party headquarters in Makerere Kavule, the leader of Opposition in Parliament Joel Ssenyonyi said they have evidence to the effect that schools are demanding for full fees payments and requirement clearances before children are allowed into schools which is a big task to parents.

Ssenyonyi adds that the country must have a maximum and a minimum charge in schools otherwise the government is deliberately favouring some category of power to charge exorbitant fees to the detriment of many who can’t afford.

Since the school term opened on Monday 5th February, school attendance is still very low which is attributed to parents inability to meet the school requirements.

Meanwhile, Musa Matovu Kimirante, the aspiring MP Butambala County disclosed that government officials owning schools in Uganda have also caused fees charges to go high hence limiting children from poor and low income earning communities to have better education.


Thursday 8th February 2024 07:33:24 PM