By Francis Lubega

09th Feb 2024


Members of Parliament sitting on Parliament’s Committee on Trade, Tourism and Industry have opposed the 10 billion shillings spent on the renovation of the Omugabe’s palace in Mbarara, as claimed by the Tourism Ministry.


According to the committee members who had taken a field tour to ascertain the extent of the renovation and re-construction works at the palace, they estimated the cost to range between 2 to 3 billion shillings as opposed to the 10 billion shillings being quoted.


Speaking to Buhweju County MP Francis Mwijukye, he says the renovations at the palace are less of a hotel which does not depict any cultural aspects of Ankole compared to other cultural palaces across the country.


Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Committee also Mbarara City South MP, Mwine Mpaka advised the committee members to cool their tempers and wait for the report which will be tabled and discussed on the floor of Parliament.



Friday 9th February 2024 06:14:49 PM