By Charles Katabalwa

19th May 2023

The Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs Norbert Mao has condemned the public for failing to ask for accountability from government officials but rather seeking for personal gains.


In the accountability report for his ministry as per 2022-2026 NRM Manifesto at Prime Minister office (OPM) Mao said that Ugandans elected this government to serve them on condition, that they put it to task to deliver services for all but instead many look at personal gains such as school fees, Food, rent among others from the government offices which leaves them relaxed.


Mao adds that people must always ask for accountability and desist from paying bribes if they want quality services most especially court services.


However, Mao has disclosed that his ministry in the first years of service in the manifesto 2021-2026 they are prioritizing among others recruitment of more judicial officers to address case Backlog and to ensure justice, getting the new home for the Electoral Commission.


Meanwhile, Mao says despite all these challenges the ministry is faced with lack of funds for compensation, DDP’s office covers only 40% of the country which makes it difficult for people to get justice among others.


Saturday 20th May 2023 01:51:23 AM