By Charles Katabalwa

14th Sept 2023


The National Unity Platform-NUP party president, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine has vowed to continue with his countrywide mobilization tours despite a ban from the Uganda Police Force.


Speaking to journalists at his offices in Kampala Thursday, Kyagulanyi said the police orders can’t be respected because they are extra-legal.


On Wednesday, the police issued a statement signed by the Deputy Inspector General of Police (D/IGP), Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Tumusiime Katsigazi banning NUP’s tours, saying they had veered off what had been agreed upon before the police allowed them to go ahead two weeks ago.


Kyagulanyi said the police have no right to grant or deny permission to anybody to assemble publicly.


He said in their communication, they were not seeking permission like Katsigazi said but were simply informing them about their activities as prescribed by the law.


He said they are not going to respect any orders that are not anchored on the law.


Kyagulanyi said it was disturbing that Katsigizi’s statement looked like a statement from an NRM functionalist, not the police who ought to be neutral in political contestation.


In the police statement, Katsigazi said they can’t allow NUP tours to go on because while addressing people in the Luweero district, Kyagulanyi allegedly attacked President Museveni and threatened to overthrow an elected government.


But Kyagulanyi said if indeed he broke any law, let the police take him to court other than them trying to be the complainant, the judge, and the executioner.


The police also hinted at the fact that Kyagulanyi’s life and that of his supporters might be in danger because of the recent bomb scares.


But Kyagulanyi said if there is anybody against his life it is Museveni’s security forces.


Kyagulanyi also said although they are not violent people, they are not willing to stop their activities simply because of fear of the violence that might be visited on them as we have seen in the past where the security and NUP have disagreed.


Kyagulanyi also said the accusation that they have been violent and disrespected by other road users is all negative propaganda to justify the ban.


Kyagulanyi embarked on a national tour that saw him visit a number of places including, Mayuge, Busia, Mbale, Mbarara, Kasese, Kabale, Arua, and Luweero among others.


In all these places he visited thousands turned up to hear his message. He has said they are to resume the second leg of the tour in three weeks’ time. He is yet to announce the places, which are to be toured.



Thursday 14th September 2023 09:27:42 PM