By Olivia Nabaggala

25th Aug 2022

Government has set up a ministerial committee to draft guidelines regulating media from advertising substances that are not certified by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards- UNBS.


This follows the death of several people at the weekend in West Nile after reportedly consuming ‘City 5’ a brand of Gin produced by City 5 distillers in Ayivu Division, Arua City.


The State Minister for Trade David Bahati says that the cause of death of 12 people in west Nile was as a result of taking city 5 Gine containing too much methanol.


According to the minister, UNBS laboratories discovered that city 5 Gin contained methanol that was over 50mgrammes and ethanol exceeding the regulated chemicals which is dangerous.


He says this causes death, lung cancer and loss of sight thus appealing to Ugandans to be extra vigilant before taking any alcohol.


In regards to the compensation of families who lost their loved ones, minister Bahati says that he will engage with the office of the prime minister and forge away forward.


Following the Arua incident, the industry leaders have launched a new campaign that is aimed at sensitizing the public on the dangers of consuming illicit products and excess consumption of alcohol generally.

Thursday 25th August 2022 08:20:06 PM