By; Francis Lubega

Civil society Organisations have mounted pressure on government to totally drop its idea as it prepares to table amendments on the Excise Duty Act, 2018 that introduced taxes on Mobile Money and Social Media,

Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), Vice Chairperson Elliot Orizaarwa and in conjunction with Kampala Mobile Money Dealers led by their Spokesperson, Ben Kamyuka have also petitioned Parliament through the leader of opposition Winnie Kiiza demanding that the tax be reduced to zero percent.

Cabinet yesterday revealed that a decision has been reached to have the tax on Mobile money of 0.5% only restricted on withdraw transactions but maintained the Shs200 levy on Social Media.

Orizaarwa emphasized that over 40%of transactions have been lost on transaction with an estimated price of 2.5 billion shillings loss.


She says this hasn’t only pushed youth out of business but might lead to the increase criminality.


The leader of opposition Winnifred Kiiza pledged to present the people’s outcries on the floor of parliament this afternoon though raises fears that the NRM mps might fail to use their own senses as the matter is debated and decide to go with what was resolved yesterday in their caucus.

Friday 20th July 2018 06:41:15 AM