By Ben Musanje

8th Feb 2024

The Catholic Church through the Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau (UCMB) has suggested that the community health insurance be formally included in the National Health Insurance Scheme bill.

This comes at a time when the government intends to re-table the National Health Insurance Scheme bill that was on 31st March 2021 passed by Parliament but President Yoweri Museveni declined to assent to it due to disagreements among some stakeholders.

Dr Sam Orach, the UCMB Executive Secretary while at the inauguration event for the celebration of 125 years of Lubaga Hospital noted that the community health insurance should be part of the structure that is regulated.

However, the State Minister for Health In charge of General Duties Anifa Kawooya confirms that the bill is at its final stages and soon to be tabled before parliament to be discussed and passed.

Thursday 8th February 2024 07:41:08 PM