By Jjunju Francis

23rd July 2023

The new president of the Holy Cross Family Ministries world over Fr. Fred Jenga has cautioned men against neglecting their families that it’s one of the causes of adultery amongst women.

Addressing the press at the Holy Cross Family Ministries East Africa offices in Nsambya Kampala Fr. Jenga said husbands especially in Africa abdicate their roles; they don’t provide the basic necessities and much of the time they are not at home which is one of the factors forcing women to find means of providing for themselves and the children.

This leaves them vulnerable to the provider who at times is out of marriage which forces them to indulge in extramarital relationships ending up producing children to different fathers outside their wedlock.

It’s not only this but substance abuse, drug and alcoholism are other causes of failing marriage life because he who gets taken by such challenges may fail to fulfill his responsibility in the home ending up fathering other peoples children.

His comment comes at the time when the DNA paternity testing has been talk of the town in recent weeks with demand on the rise fir the same service and to control confusion and for proper guidance on 10th July 2023 government through the ministry of directed that paternity Deoxyribonucleic (DNA) test in the country be limited to only two approved laboratories the Government Analytical Laboratory in Wandegeya and the MBN Clinical Laboratory on Nakasero Road.

Fr. Jenga has however called on couples to avoid causing psychological torture and trauma to the children because traditionally people used to take care or adopt not only their biological children.

In such a circumstance, he says, if a family gets such a challenges much as its hurting let the man accept to take care of the young ones, that they are innocent to their failures as married couples in their family.

Fr. Fred Jenga the current president of Holy Cross Family Ministry a born from Busoga region in eastern part of Uganda is currently taking care of 17 countries with 27 offices of holy cross family life ministries worldwide. The ministry encourages faithfulness and prayer life through mother Mary to have prosperous families, societies and a peaceful world



Sunday 23rd July 2023 08:53:21 PM