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ON AIR: Ekitangaaza
Presenter: Lubwama Richard

Listen to Radio Sapientia

IGP Ochola bans torturing suspects

By Ben Musanje 1st July 2019   The Inspector General of Police Martin Okoth Ochola has ordered police detectives stop using torturing methods on suspects as a techniques of getting information during the investigations.   IGP Ochola torturing suspects is inhumane and violation of human rights that should stop with immediate effect. He made this […]

2500 CCTV cameras installed – Police

By Ben Musanje 1st July 2019   Uganda Police Force has indicated a 68 percent success of CCTV camera installation in the country.   Addressing the media, the Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga says that over 2500 out of the 3200 cameras have been installed in 1038 sights.   In 2013, President Museveni ordered for the […]

Naddangira Parish starts campaigns to regain her Glory.

By; Jjunju Francis Our Lady of Perpetual Help Naddangira Parish the last Parish of Kampala Archdiocese along Hoima Road has marked 109 years since it was started with measures to regain its glory. The Parish experienced serious problems during the 1980/86 gollira war much of its property destroyed but it has slowly picked up including […]

Bishop Zziwa underlines education as a backbone of development

By Peter Ssebulima 28th June 2019   The Chairman Uganda Episcopal Conference Rt. Rev. Bishop Dr Joseph Anthony Zziwa has under scored the relevance of education in the development of the society and the country at large.   Bishop Zziwa who is also the ordinary of Kiyinda Mityana diocese says the developed world has been […]