By Charles Katabalwa

7th December 2020


The Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago has finally returned from Agakhan Hospital in Nairobi where he has spent close to two weeks under professional examination over his ill health.


Lukwago was rushed to Nairobi for expert care over his health and it’s said that the problem over his health is connected to the respiratory system.


Shortly after his return Lukwago has talked to the press from his home in Wakaliga a city suburb and used this chance to challenge the government to invest in the country’s health system to support the poor Ugandans who can’t get afford proper medical care in case of  chronic diseases.


He says government should be fair enough and Implement the 2001 Abuja declaration that called on governments in Africa to committee 15% of their national budget to health but Uganda is still lingering around 7% and worst of it it puts lots of funds in non valuable areas like security, state House, classified expenditures, Teargas among others.


Meanwhile Lukwago has suspended his Mayoral Campaigns until his healthy fully recovers.


Tuesday 8th December 2020 06:56:51 AM