By Francis Jjunju

14th Feb 2023

Groups of Married Couples and those still searching have flocked different Parishes to celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day today in Kampala Archdiocese.

The Catholic Church in Uganda picked interest in the Valentine’s Day that came known to many Ugandans in the 90s as a day of fun and sharing love gifts especially among the youth, changed it to suit its true meaning of Saint Valentine, a Roman Priest who died a martyr because of encouraging couples to get Holy matrimony.

Leading the Eucharistic celebrations on this day organized by the Holy Cross Family Ministries for the married couples at Nsambya Parish, the Parish Priest of St. Matia Mulumba Nakawuka, Rev. Fr. Edward Mukasa Ssebukoola challenged married couples to respect the state of marriage God called them for.

Fr. Ssebukoola says lack of respect at individual, group and national level is the cause of evil that is killing marriage including dishonesty and lack of responsibility, integrity, empathy and hard work to fight poverty in the home.

He also noted with concern the resurgence of talks and hype of homosexuality saying the church is never in support of that sin, crediting the deputy speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa for standing bold even at international level to say that Uganda will never support it.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated every 14th of February and Holy Cross family ministries draw married couples together to pray for their marriages, enjoy and have fun.

Tuesday 14th February 2023 07:06:48 PM