Listen to Radio Sapientia

Presenter: Fr.John Baptist Kaganda

Listen to Radio Sapientia

Lugazi diocese ready for silver jubilee celebrations

By; Jjunju Francis 12th September 2019 Lugazi diocese Cathedral Parish is in preparations for the silver Jubilee celebrations slated for 22nd of this month. The Parish that was started within the centre of Lugazi town has seen tremendous development following the elevation of Lugazi diocese in 1997 that forced it to be shifted from Lugazi […]

UNHCR in financial crisis

By; Ben Musanje 12th September 2019 United Nations High Commission for Refugee (UNHCR) in Uganda is under financial crisis of over 600 million US dollars needed to run different activities.   At the beginning of this year, the Commission had budget of 900 million US dollars but currently they only have 330 Million US dollars […]

Exim bank the anticipated financer for SGR wants examination of the project.

By; Francis Lubega 12th September 2019 Exim Bank of China has directed government of Uganda to re-examine the viability of the Standard gauge Railway before they release the loan requested to finance the construction of the railway. This came after Mps on the committee of Parliamentary Accounts were concerned with the delays to start the […]

Police kills dogs that ate a maid at Zzana in Makindye Division

By; Our reporter 12th September 2019 Police have killed four dogs that killed Agnes Mirembe, a maid in Zzana in Makindye Sabagabo Division in Wakiso district in the wee hours of Monday morning. Mirembe 45, had been recruited from Buikwe District on Saturday to provide services in the home of businessman, David Wakabi. She was […]