By; Jjunju Francis

31st October 2019


The month of the holy rosary has come to an end however Christians are urged to remain praying through mother Mary to intercede for this country for the challenges affecting the citizens.


The month of May and October are special months in a year that are dedicated for the holy rosary through which believers pray for intercession through mother Mary to get their needs.

The Holy cross family ministries east Africa a department of the holy cross congregation whose offices are located at Nsambya Parish has put more effort on prayer by the families the foundation of the Catholic Church through which they can seek for God’s providence over the social, cultural, political and economic challenges that threaten life, families and the church.

While ending the holy month of mother Mary at their offices in Nsambya Fr. Lenard Olobo the executive director holy cross family ministries East Africa encouraged Christians to remain prayerful for they will overcome challenging situations.

He has noted with concern the existing challenges in the society that portray how wicked Uganda has gone and its only God to save the situation.

Friday 1st November 2019 04:16:15 AM